
Kumbh Vivah Pooja Bangalore

||Om Namo Bhagvathe Vasudevaya|| Namaste Dear Readers, I am Acharya RK Murthy from Bangalore, Purohit & Astro Guru - MA, Post Graduate in Vedic Astrology from KSU, Bangalore. (Mobile / WhatsApp : 74065-23999) | Email:  acharyarkmurthy@gmail. com ).  Since 25 years I have been helping people facing delay in marriage, facing hurdles in finding a Life Partner and Matrimony Alliance, there are many reasons associated with delay in Marriage which is also called Vivah Yog delay. Mainly Vivah Yog delays are due to past Ancestral Karmas linked with Planetary / Navagraha Placements in ones Horoscope. The most impactful Graha causing delay in Marriage or Breakups is Lord Mangal Graha, followed by Shukra, Chandra, Rahu and Ketu and other Grahas placed in 7th House of Rashi and Navamsha chart. While the most commonly found hurdle for delay in Marriage is Lord Mangal Graha causing Mangal,  Manglik Dosha , I perform  Kumbh Vivah Parihar Puja to Remove M...